3'-Guanylic Acid
Title: 3¢-Guanylic Acid
CAS Registry Number: 117-68-0
Additional Names: Guanosine 3¢-monophosphate; guanine riboside-3-phosphoric acid; guanylic acid b
Molecular Formula: C10H14N5O8P
Molecular Weight: 363.22
Percent Composition: C 33.07%, H 3.89%, N 19.28%, O 35.24%, P 8.53%
Literature References: From yeast or pancreas. Prepn: P. A. Levene, L. W. Bass, Nucleic Acids (New York, 1931) pp 224-227. Structure: Levene, Jorpes, J. Biol. Chem. 81, 579 (1929); Levene, Harris, ibid. 95, 755 (1932); 98, 9 (1932). Early work probably done on a mixture of 2¢- and 3¢-guanylic acids; see physical data below. Separation of two isomers: Cohn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 72, 1471 (1950); Khym, Cohn, ibid. 76, 1818 (1954); eidem, Biol. Prepn. 5, 40 (1957). Absorption spectrum: Voet et al., Biopolymers 1, 193 (1963). Reviews: see Guanine.
Derivative Type: Dihydrate
Properties: Long prisms from water. The water of crystn is given up at 118° and is taken up again at room temp. When anhydrous, dec 180° (closed tube). [a]D25 -8° (c = 2); -65° (c = 2 in 5% NaOH). Acid to litmus. Soluble in cold water, freely sol in hot water. Boiling with dil mineral acids yields guanine, H3PO4, and D-ribose.
Optical Rotation: [a]D25 -8° (c = 2); -65° (c = 2 in 5% NaOH)
Derivative Type: Neutral sodium salt
Molecular Formula: Na2C10H12N5O8P
Molecular Weight: 407.18
Percent Composition: Na 11.29%, C 29.50%, H 2.97%, N 17.20%, O 31.43%, P 7.61%
Properties: Flakes from water, contains 21.1% H2O. Sol in cold, freely sol in hot water.
Derivative Type: Brucine salt heptahydrate
Molecular Formula: C10H14N5O8P.(C23H26N2O4)2.7H2O
Molecular Weight: 1278.25
Percent Composition: C 52.62%, H 6.31%, N 9.86%, O 28.79%, P 2.42%
Properties: Rectangular leaflets from alc. When anhydr, dec 233-240°. [a]D20 -26° (35% alc). One gram dissolves in 100 ml water.
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 -26° (35% alc)

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