Ammonium Bifluoride
Title: Ammonium Bifluoride
CAS Registry Number: 1341-49-7
CAS Name: Acid ammonium fluoride
Additional Names: ammonium hydrogen fluoride
Molecular Formula: F2H5N
Molecular Weight: 57.04
Percent Composition: F 66.61%, H 8.84%, N 24.56%
Line Formula: NH4HF2
Literature References: Prepn from hydrofluoric acid and NH3: Hassel, Luzanski, Z. Kristallogr. A83, 449 (1932); Gmelins, Ammonium (8th ed.) 23, 148 (1936).
Properties: Orthorhombic crystals which readily etch glass. d 1.5. mp 124.6°. Freely sol in water. Keep in plastic, rubber, wood or paraffined containers and well closed. See also Ammonium Fluoride.
Melting point: mp 124.6°
Density: d 1.5
Use: In manuf of Mg and Mg alloys; in brightening of Al; for purifying and cleansing various parts of beer-dispensing apparatus, tubes, etc., sterilizing dairy and other food equipment; in glass and porcelain industries; as mordant for aluminum; as a "sour" in laundering cloth. In lab production of HF.

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