Title: Befloxatone
CAS Registry Number: 134564-82-2
CAS Name: (5R)-5-(Methoxymethyl)-3-[4-[(3R)-4,4,4-trifluoro-3-hydroxybutoxy]phenyl]-2-oxazolidinone
Manufacturers' Codes: MD-370503
Molecular Formula: C15H18F3NO5
Molecular Weight: 349.30
Percent Composition: C 51.58%, H 5.19%, F 16.32%, N 4.01%, O 22.90%
Literature References: Reversible monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) inhibitor. Prepn: F. X. Jarreau et al., EP 424244; eidem, US 5036091 (1990, 1991 both to Delalande). Pharmacology: D. Caille et al., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 277, 265 (1996). Biochemical profile: O. Curet et al., ibid. 253. Structure-activity study: J. Wouters et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. 7, 1683 (1999). Review of clinical pharmacology: P. Rosenzweig et al., J. Affective Disord. 51, 305-312 (1998).
Properties: Crystals from ethanol + isopropyl ether, mp 101°. [a]D20 -11.5° (c = 1 in methylene chloride).
Melting point: mp 101°
Optical Rotation: [a]D20 -11.5° (c = 1 in methylene chloride)
Therap-Cat: Antidepressant.
Keywords: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor; Antidepressant; Phenyloxazolidinones.

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