Calcium Chloride
Title: Calcium Chloride
CAS Registry Number: 10043-52-4
Trademarks: Intergravin-orales (Werfft-Chemie)
Molecular Formula: CaCl2
Molecular Weight: 110.98
Percent Composition: Ca 36.11%, Cl 63.89%
Literature References: Forms mono-, di-, tetra- and hexahydrates. Obtained as a byproduct of the ammonia-soda (Solvay) process and as a joint product from natural salt brines: Faith, Keyes & Clark's Industrial Chemicals, F. A. Lowenheim, M. K. Moran, Eds. (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 4th ed., 1975) pp 186-190. Acute toxicity: I. B. Syed, F. Hosain, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 22, 150 (1972).
Properties: Cubic crystals, granules or fused masses. Very hygroscopic. mp 772°. bp >1600°; d415 2.152. Freely sol in water (with liberation of much heat), alcohol. The commercial product is about 94-97% CaCl2, the chief impurity being Ca(OH)2. Keep well closed. LD50 i.v. in mice: 42.2 mg/kg (Syed, Hosain).
Melting point: mp 772°
Boiling point: bp >1600°
Density: d415 2.152
Toxicity data: LD50 i.v. in mice: 42.2 mg/kg (Syed, Hosain)
Derivative Type: Dihydrate
Properties: Hygroscopic granules, flakes or powder. Apparent (bulk) density: 0.835. Freely sol in water, alcohol. Commercial grades contain 73-80% CaCl2. Keep well closed.
Derivative Type: Hexahydrate
Properties: Deliquesc trigonal crystals. mp 30°. d17 1.68. Loses all H2O at 200°. Extremely sol in water, alcohol. Keep well closed.
Melting point: mp 30°
Density: d17 1.68
Use: The anhydrous form used as a drying and dehydrating agent for organic liquids and gases, and in desiccators. The dihydrate and hexahydrate forms are used for antifreeze and refrigerating solns, in fire extinguishers, etc. (a 40% soln freezes at -41°); to preserve wood, stone; manuf ice, glues, cements; fireproofing fabrics; automobile antifreeze mixtures; to melt ice and snow; as coagulant in rubber manuf, as size in admixture with starch paste; in concrete mixes to give quicker initial set and greater strength; freezeproofing of coal and ores; dust control on unpaved roads; sizing and finishing cotton fabrics; as brine for filling inflatable tires on tractors to increase traction.
Therap-Cat: Electrolyte replacement. Has been used as diuretic, urinary acidifier, antiallergic.
Therap-Cat-Vet: May be used intravenously in hypocalcemic states such as milk fever.
Keywords: Replenishers/Supplements; Electrolyte.

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