Title: Emylcamate
CAS Registry Number: 78-28-4
CAS Name: 3-Methyl-3-pentanol carbamate
Additional Names: 1-ethyl-1-methylpropyl carbamate; diethyl methyl carbinol urethan; 3-methyl-3-pentyl carbamate; methyl diethyl carbinol urethan; tert-hexanol carbamate
Manufacturers' Codes: Kabi 925; JD-91
Trademarks: Nuncital (Kabi); Restetal (Kabi); Statran (Delagrange); Striatran (Merck & Co.)
Molecular Formula: C7H15NO2
Molecular Weight: 145.20
Percent Composition: C 57.90%, H 10.41%, N 9.65%, O 22.04%
Literature References: Prepn: DE 245491 (1912 to Chinifabr. Zimmer); DE 254472 (1912 to E. Merck); Melander, Hanshoff, US 2972564 (1961 to Kabi).
Properties: Needles from 30% ethanol, mp 56-58.5°. bp1.0 35°; bp0.7 24°. Slight odor of camphor. Soly in water: 4.0 mg/ml. Freely sol in alcohol, ether, benzene, glycol ethers.
Melting point: mp 56-58.5°
Boiling point: bp1.0 35°; bp0.7 24°
Therap-Cat: Anxiolytic.
Keywords: Anxiolytic; Carbamates.

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