Ethyl Oenanthate
Title: Ethyl Oenanthate
CAS Registry Number: 106-30-9
CAS Name: Heptanoic acid ethyl ester
Additional Names: ethyl heptanoate; ethyl n-heptoate; oenanthic ether; cognac oil, synthetic; oil of grapes; aether oenanthicus; oleum vitis viniferae
Molecular Formula: C9H18O2
Molecular Weight: 158.24
Percent Composition: C 68.31%, H 11.47%, O 20.22%
Line Formula: CH3(CH2)5COOC2H5
Literature References: Obtained commercially either by esterification of heptanoic acid, yielding a high-grade product; or by the direct esterification of coconut oil yielding a mixture of the ethyl esters of lauric, myristic, palmitic, and other higher fatty acids plus ethyl and isoamyl alcohol. For some flavoring applications the latter product is more desirable. Prepn: Rogers, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. Sci. Ed. 12, 503 (1923). Toxicity: P. M. Jenner et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. 2, 327 (1964).
Properties: Pure ester, liquid. Fruity, wine-like odor and taste with burning aftertaste. d415 0.8723; d425 0.8630. bp760 189°; bp35 95°; bp8 68°. Viscosity at 25°: 0.0111 g/cm/sec. Insol in water. Misc with alcohol, ether, chloroform. Forms an azeotrope with water, the azeotropic mixture boils at 98.5° and contains 72% w/w of ethyl oenanthate. LD50 orally in rats: >34640 mg/kg (Jenner).
Boiling point: bp760 189°; bp35 95°; bp8 68°
Density: d415 0.8723; d425 0.8630
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: >34640 mg/kg (Jenner)
NOTE: Artificial Ethyl Oenanthate, also known as artificial cognac essence or oil of wine, is a mixture of amyl and ethyl caprates with ethyl and isoamyl butyrates and caprylates.
Use: In the manuf of liqueurs. Plays an important part in the formulation of raspberry, gooseberry, grape, cherry, apricot, currant, bourbon, and other artificial essences.

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