Title: Exalamide
CAS Registry Number: 53370-90-4
CAS Name: 2-(Hexyloxy)benzamide
Additional Names: HBA
Trademarks: Hyperan (SS Pharm.)
Molecular Formula: C13H19NO2
Molecular Weight: 221.30
Percent Composition: C 70.56%, H 8.65%, N 6.33%, O 14.46%
Literature References: Deriv of salicylamide, q.v. Prepn: E. M. Bevin et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 4, 872 (1952); F. J. MacRae, D. E. Seymour, GB 726786 (1955 to Herts Pharm.), C.A. 50, 5751i (1956); L. V. Coates et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 9, 855 (1957). Metabolism: Y. Kanaiwa et al., Yakugaku Zasshi 95, 411 (1975), C.A. 83, 71428v (1975). General pharmacologic effects: R. Inoki et al., Oyo Yakuri 10, 165 (1975), C.A. 88, 115369 (1976). Comparative study of antifungal efficacy vs clinical isolates: T. Kusunoki, S. Harada, J. Dermatol. 11, 227 (1984).
Properties: Cryst from ethanol, mp 71°. Sol in methanol, acetone, chloroform, benzene. Slightly sol in ether. Practically insol in water.
Melting point: mp 71°
Therap-Cat: Antifungal (topical).
Keywords: Antifungal (Synthetic).

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