Fenbutatin Oxide
Title: Fenbutatin Oxide
CAS Registry Number: 13356-08-6
CAS Name: Hexakis(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)distannoxane
Additional Names: di[tri-(2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)tin]oxide; hexakis(b,b-dimethylphenethyl)distannoxane
Manufacturers' Codes: SD-14114
Trademarks: Torque (BASF); Vendex (Griffin)
Molecular Formula: C60H78OSn2
Molecular Weight: 1052.68
Percent Composition: C 68.46%, H 7.47%, O 1.52%, Sn 22.55%
Literature References: Selective organotin miticide. Prepn: DE 2225666; C. A. Horne Jr., US 3657451 (1971, 1972 both to Shell Oil Co.). General description and analysis: G. Zweig, J. Sherma, Anal. Methods Pestic. Plant Growth Regul. 10, 139 (1978). HPLC/MS determn in fruits and vegetables: K. A. Barnes et al., Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 11, 159 (1997). Suppression of citrus rust mite: V. French, J. Rio Grande Val. Hortic. Soc. 35, 121 (1982).
Properties: White crystalline powder, mp 145°. Soly at 23° (g/l): acetone 6; octanol 33; xylene 53; benzene 143; dichloromethane 377; methylene chloride 380. Soly in water: <5 mg/l. Converts to the hydroxide in the presence of water. Nontoxic to bees, toxic to fish. LD50 in rats, rabbits (mg/kg): >2000 orally; >2000 percutaneously (Zweig).
Melting point: mp 145°
Toxicity data: LD50 in rats, rabbits (mg/kg): >2000 orally; >2000 percutaneously (Zweig)
Use: Acaricide.

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