Title: Feverfew
Additional Names: Featherfew; featherfoil; midsummer daisy
Literature References: Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip., (formerly Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.) Compositae; a perennial, strongly aromatic herb found in Britain and the Balkan peninsula. Used medicinally since the Middle Ages as a febrifuge. Constituents include sesquiterpene lactones such as parthenolide, q.v.: P. J. Hylands, D. M. Hylands in Development of Drugs and Modern Medicines, J. W. Gorrod et al., Eds. (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1986) pp 100-104. Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis by feverfew extract: H. O. J. Collier et al., Lancet 2, 922 (1980). Effect on human platelet phospholipase: A. N. Makheja, J. M. Bailey, ibid. 1054 (1981); eidem, Prostaglandins Leukotrienes Med. 8, 653 (1982); J. K. Thakkar et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 750, 134 (1983). Inhibition of platelet secretory activity: S. Heptinstall et al., Lancet 1, 1071 (1985); S. Heptinstall et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 39, 459 (1987). Structure and anti-secretory activity study: W. A. Groenewegen et al., ibid. 38, 709 (1986). Clinical trials in migraine using freeze dried feverfew leaves: E. S. Johnson et al., Br. Med. J. 291, 569 (1985). Use of oil extract in migraine: E. S. Johnson et al., US 4758433 (1988 to R. P. Scherer). Review: M. I. Berry, Pharm. J. 232, 611-614 (1984). Brief review of activity and possible side effects: C. A. Baldwin et al., ibid. 239, 237-238 (1987).

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