Furfuryl Alcohol
Title: Furfuryl Alcohol
CAS Registry Number: 98-00-0
CAS Name: 2-Furanmethanol
Additional Names: 2-furylcarbinol; 2-furancarbinol; a-furylcarbinol; furfuralcohol; 2-hydroxymethylfuran
Molecular Formula: C5H6O2
Molecular Weight: 98.10
Percent Composition: C 61.22%, H 6.16%, O 32.62%
Literature References: Prepd from furfural which is obtained by the processing of corncobs. Has been obtained by yeast reduction of furfural. The oil obtained by steam distillation of roasted coffee bean meal consists of 50% furfuryl alcohol after all organic acids have been removed. Laboratory prepn from furfural by the Cannizzaro reaction: Wilson, Org. Synth. coll. vol. I (2nd ed., 1941) p 276; cf. US 2041184 (to Quaker Oats), C.A. 30, 4515 (1936). Prepd industrially by the catalytic reduction of furfural using nickel and Cu-CrO catalysts: Peters, US 1906873 (1933 to Quaker Oats); Wojcik, Ind. Eng. Chem. 40, 210 (1948). Acute toxicity study: K. H. Jacobson et al., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 19, 91 (1958). Toxicology and carcinogenesis: NTP Technical Report 482 (NIH PB99-3972, 1999) 248 p.
Properties: Liquid. Faint burning odor. Bitter taste. Poisonous! d423 1.1282. bp760 170°; bp400 151.8°; bp200 133.1°; bp100 115.9°; bp60 104.0°; bp40 95.7°; bp20 81.0°; bp10 68.0°; bp5 56.0°; bp1.0 31.8°. nD23 1.48515. Miscible with water, but unstable in water. Sol in alcohol, benzene, chloroform. Very sol in ether. Easily resinified by acids. Spontaneous ignition temp +490° (915°F). Flash pt 75°C (167°F). LC50 (4 hr) in rats: 233 ppm (Jacobson).
Boiling point: bp760 170°; bp400 151.8°; bp200 133.1°; bp100 115.9°; bp60 104.0°; bp40 95.7°; bp20 81.0°; bp10 68.0°; bp5 56.0°; bp1.0 31.8°
Flash point: Flash pt 75°C (167°F)
Index of refraction: nD23 1.48515
Density: d423 1.1282
Toxicity data: LC50 (4 hr) in rats: 233 ppm (Jacobson)
CAUTION: Potential symptoms of overexposure are irritation of eyes and mucous membranes; dizziness; nausea, diarrhea; diuresis; respiration, body temperature depression; vomiting; dermatitis. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140, 1997) p 150.
Use: Solvent; manuf wetting agents, resins.

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