Title: Isorubijervine
CAS Registry Number: 468-45-1
CAS Name: Solanid-5-ene-3b,18-diol
Molecular Formula: C27H43NO2
Molecular Weight: 413.64
Percent Composition: C 78.40%, H 10.48%, N 3.39%, O 7.74%
Literature References: From various species of Veratrum, Liliaceae. Isoln and structure: Jacobs, Craig, J. Biol. Chem. 148, 41 (1943); 159, 617 (1945); Pelletier, Jacobs, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75, 4442 (1953). Stereochemistry: Sato, Latham, ibid. 78, 3146 (1956); Höhne et al., Tetrahedron 22, 673 (1966). Review: Morgan, Barltrop, Q. Rev. Chem. Soc. 12, 34 (1958).
Properties: Crystals from alcohol, mp 235-237°. [a]D25 +6.5° (c = 0.97 in abs ethanol). Forms a sparingly sol digitonide.
Melting point: mp 235-237°
Optical Rotation: [a]D25 +6.5° (c = 0.97 in abs ethanol)
Derivative Type: Hydrobromide
Molecular Formula: C27H44BrN2O
Molecular Weight: 492.56
Percent Composition: C 65.84%, H 9.00%, Br 16.22%, N 5.69%, O 3.25%
Properties: Fine needles from alcohol + ether, dec 290-295°.
Status: This monograph has been retired and is no longer subject to revision or update.

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