Magnesium Chloride
Title: Magnesium Chloride
CAS Registry Number: 7786-30-3
Trademarks: Magnogene
Molecular Formula: Cl2Mg
Molecular Weight: 95.21
Percent Composition: Cl 74.47%, Mg 25.53%
Line Formula: MgCl2
Literature References: Prepd from magnesium ammonium chloride hexahydrate in the presence of HCl: Bryce-Smith, Inorg. Synth. 6, 9 (1960). Toxicity study: H. F. Smyth et al., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 30, 470 (1969).
Properties: Soft, highly deliquescent leaflets. mp 712° (rapid heating). d 2.41, also reported as d 2.325. Slow heating releases chlorine at 300°. Can be distilled in a stream of hydrogen. Attacks fused silica when melted. Sol in water, with the evolution of much heat, giving a clear soln. Easily forms alcoholates and etherates.
Melting point: mp 712° (rapid heating)
Density: d 2.41; d 2.325
Derivative Type: Hexahydrate
Properties: Deliquescent crystals. d 1.56. At 100° loses 2H2O (17.7%); at 110° begins to lose some HCl. By strong ignition is converted into oxychloride. mp, when rapidly heated, ~118° with decompn. One gram dissolves in 0.6 ml water, 0.3 ml boiling water, 2 ml alcohol. Its aq soln is neutral. Keep well closed. LD50 orally in rats: 8.1 g/kg (Smyth).
Melting point: mp, when rapidly heated, ~118° with decompn
Density: d 1.56
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: 8.1 g/kg (Smyth)
Use: Fireproofing wood; in disinfectants; various magnesia cements; fire extinguishers; dressing cotton fabrics; in floor-sweeping compds; carbonizing wool; manuf parchment paper or artificial leather; as addition to casein glue; as a reagent in analytical chemistry.
Therap-Cat: Cathartic.
Therap-Cat-Vet: Has been used in bovine hypomagnesemia.
Keywords: Laxative/Cathartic.

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