Title: Resorcinol
CAS Registry Number: 108-46-3
CAS Name: 1,3-Benzenediol
Additional Names: m-dihydroxybenzene; resorcin
Molecular Formula: C6H6O2
Molecular Weight: 110.11
Percent Composition: C 65.45%, H 5.49%, O 29.06%
Literature References: Is at least 99.5% pure. Made by fusing m-benzenedisulfonic acid with excess NaOH. Review: J. Varagnat in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 13 (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd ed., 1981) pp 39-69. Review of toxicology and risk assessment: B. S. Lynch et al., Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 36, 198-210 (2002).
Properties: White, needle-like crystals; sweetish taste. Becomes pink on exposure to light and air, or by contact with iron. d 1.272. mp 109-111°. bp 280°, but volatilizes at lower temp and is slightly volatile with steam. pH: 5.2. One gram dissolves in 0.9 ml water, 0.2 ml water at 80°, 0.9 ml alcohol; freely sol in ether, glycerol; slightly sol in chloroform. Protect from light.
Melting point: mp 109-111°
Boiling point: bp 280°
Density: d 1.272
Derivative Type: Monoacetate
CAS Registry Number: 102-29-4
Additional Names: Acetylresorcinol
Trademarks: Euresol (Knoll)
Molecular Formula: C8H8O3
Molecular Weight: 152.15
Percent Composition: C 63.15%, H 5.30%, O 31.55%
Properties: Golden-yellow, thick, syrupy, oily liquid. bp ~283° with decompn. Insol in water. Miscible with alc, benzene, chloroform, acetone. Sol in solns of alkali hydroxides.
Boiling point: bp ~283° with decompn
CAUTION: Potential symptoms of overexposure are irritation of eyes, skin, nose, throat, upper respiratory system; dermatitis; methemoglobinemia, cyanosis, convulsions; restlessness, bluish skin, increased heart rate, dyspnea; dizziness, drowsiness, hypothermia, hemoglobinuria; spleen, kidney, liver changes. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140, 1997) p 272; Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology vol. 2B, G. D. Clayton, F. E. Clayton, Eds. (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 4th ed., 1994) pp 1586-1590.
Use: In tanning, photography; manuf of resins, resin adhesives, hexylresorcinol, p-aminosalicylic acid, explosives, dyes, tires, rubber products; in cosmetics; dyeing and printing textiles; as a reagent for zinc.
Therap-Cat: Keratolytic; antiseborrheic.
Therap-Cat-Vet: Topical antipruritic and antiseptic. Has been used as an intestinal antiseptic.
Keywords: Antiacne; Antiseborrheic; Keratolytic.

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