Title: Rhododendrin
CAS Registry Number: 497-78-9
CAS Name: 3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylpropyl b-D-glucopyranoside
Additional Names: betuloside
Molecular Formula: C16H24O7
Molecular Weight: 328.36
Percent Composition: C 58.52%, H 7.37%, O 34.11%
Literature References: From leaves of Rhododendron spp., Ericaceae: Archangelski, Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 46, 313 (1901); Kawaguchi et al., J. Pharm. Soc. Jpn. 62, 4 (1942), C.A. 44, 9634a (1950). Structure: Kim, ibid. 455, C.A. 45, 4222h (1951). Identity with betuloside: Kim, ibid. 63, 103 (1943), C.A. 45, 4222i (1951). Chemotaxonomic significance: Thieme, Winkler, Pharmazie 24, 703 (1969).
Properties: Bitter crystals, mp 187°. Sol in hot water, alcohol; slightly sol in chloroform, ether.
Melting point: mp 187°
Derivative Type: Pentaacetate
Properties: Needles, mp 96-97°.
Melting point: mp 96-97°
Derivative Type: Methyl ether
Properties: Prisms from warm water, mp 102-103°. [a]D21 -17.1° (96% alcohol).
Melting point: mp 102-103°
Optical Rotation: [a]D21 -17.1° (96% alcohol)
Use: In systematic classification of Rhododendron species.

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