Title: Rimsulfuron
CAS Registry Number: 122931-48-0
CAS Name: N-[[(4,6-Dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl]-3-(ethylsulfonyl)-2-pyridinesulfonamide
Manufacturers' Codes: DPX-E9636
Trademarks: Matrix (DuPont); Titus (DuPont)
Molecular Formula: C14H17N5O7S2
Molecular Weight: 431.44
Percent Composition: C 38.97%, H 3.97%, N 16.23%, O 25.96%, S 14.86%
Literature References: Sulfonylurea herbicide; blocks branched-chain amino acid synthesis by inhibiting the plant enzyme, acetolactate synthase. Prepd (not claimed): P. H. Liang, US 4774337 (1988 to DuPont); and use in herbicidal mixtures: idem, EP 341011 (1989 to DuPont), C.A. 113, 6360 (1990). Comprehensive description: H. L. Palm et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. - Weeds 1989, 23-28. HPLC, TLC determn and environmental fate: G. E. Schneiders et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. 41, 2402 (1993). Field trials in potatoes: C. V. Eberlein et al., Weed Technol. 8, 428 (1994).
Properties: mp 176-178°. pKa 4.1. Vapor pressure at 25°: 1.1 ´ 10-8 Torr. Soly in water at 25° (ppm): 135 (pH 5); 7300 (pH 7); 5560 (pH 9). Partition coefficient (octanol/water): 0.034 (pH 7). LD50 orally in rats: >5000 mg/kg; dermally in rabbits: >2000 mg/kg (Palm).
Melting point: mp 176-178°
pKa: pKa 4.1
Log P: Partition coefficient (octanol/water): 0.034 (pH 7)
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: >5000 mg/kg; dermally in rabbits: >2000 mg/kg (Palm)
Use: Herbicide.

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