Sodium Fluoride
Title: Sodium Fluoride
CAS Registry Number: 7681-49-4
Trademarks: Chemifluor (Chemipharm); Duraphat (Woelm); Florocid; Fluoros (Dieckmann); Flura-Drops; Karidium; Lemoflur; Luride-SF (Hoyt); Ossalin (Chemipharm); Ossin (Sulzbach-Neuweiler); Osteo-F (Colgate-Hoyt); Osteofluor (Merck-Cl¢enot); Slow-Fluoride (Mission Pharmacal); Villiaumite; Zymafluor (Zyma)
Molecular Formula: FNa
Molecular Weight: 41.99
Percent Composition: F 45.25%, Na 54.75%
Line Formula: NaF
Literature References: Prepd by fusing cryolite with NaOH; by adding equiv amounts of NaOH or Na2CO3 to 40% HF (precipitation is instantaneous and crystal size depends on pH, but too much HF yields sodium bifluoride, NaHF2): Müller, Chem. Ztg. 52, 5 (1928); Kwasnik in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry vol. 1, G. Brauer, Ed. (Academic Press, New York, 2nd ed., 1963) pp 235-236. Technical grades are 90% and 95% NaF, light (37 cu in/lb) and dense (23 cu in/lb), and 98%. The impurities are mainly sodium and aluminum fluosilicates. Pharmacology: Caruso et al., Handb. Exp. Pharmakol. XX (Part 2), F. Smith, Ed. (Springer, Berlin, 1970) pp 144-165. Toxicity: H. F. Smyth et al., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 30, 470 (1969). Carcinogenicity studies: J. R. Bucher et al., Int. J. Cancer 48, 733 (1991). Review of toxicology: D. W. Banting, J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 122, 86-91 (1991); and human exposure: Toxicological Profile for Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine (PB2004-100002, 2003) 404 pp. Review of clinical efficacy in prevention of dental caries: L. G. Petersson, Caries Res. 27, Suppl 1, 35-42 (1993); of clinical experience in osteoporosis: M. Kleerekoper, D. B. Mendlovic, Endocr. Rev. 14, 312-323 (1993).
Properties: Cubic or tetragonal crystals (NaCl lattice). d 2.78. mp 993°. bp 1704°. Poisonous! Soly in water (g/100 ml): 4.0 (15°); 4.3 (25°); 5.0 (100°). Insol in alc. Aq solns have an alkaline reaction caused by partial hydrolysis. pH of freshly prepd satd soln 7.4. Aq solns etch glass, but the dry crystals or powder may be kept in glass bottles. Sodium fluoride sold as household insecticide must be tinted Nile Blue. LD50 orally in rats: 0.18 g/kg (Smyth).
Melting point: mp 993°
Boiling point: bp 1704°
Density: d 2.78
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: 0.18 g/kg (Smyth)
CAUTION: Potential symptoms of overexposure by ingestion are salty or soapy taste; salivation, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea; dehydration, thirst; sweating; stiff spine; muscle weakness, tremors; CNS depression; shock; arrhythmia. Direct contact may cause dermatitis; irritation of eyes, respiratory system. Potential symptoms of chronic ingestion are mottling of tooth enamel; osteosclerosis, calcification of ligaments of ribs, pelvis. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140, 1997) p 282; Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, R. E. Gosselin et al., Eds. (Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 5th ed., 1984) Section III, pp 185-193.
Use: As insecticide, particularly for roaches and ants; in other pesticide formulations; constituent of vitreous enamel and glass mixes; as a steel degassing agent; in electroplating; in fluxes; in heat-treating salt compositions; in the fluoridation of drinking water; for disinfecting fermentation apparatus in breweries and distilleries; preserving wood, pastes and mucilage; manuf of coated paper; frosting glass; in removal of HF from exhaust gases to reduce air pollution. Dental caries prophylactic.
Therap-Cat: In treatment of osteoporosis.
Therap-Cat-Vet: Anthelmintic, pediculicide, acaricide.
Keywords: Antiosteoporotic.

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