Title: Sofalcone
CAS Registry Number: 64506-49-6
CAS Name: [5-[(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)oxy]-2-[3-[4-[(3-methyl-2-butenyl)oxy]phenyl]-1-oxo-2-propenyl]phenoxy]acetic acid
Additional Names: 2¢-carboxymethoxy-4,4¢-bis(3-methyl-2-butenyloxy)chalcone
Manufacturers' Codes: Su-88
Trademarks: Solon (Taisho)
Molecular Formula: C27H30O6
Molecular Weight: 450.52
Percent Composition: C 71.98%, H 6.71%, O 21.31%
Literature References: Substituted chalcone with anti-ulcer activity. Prepn: K. Kyogoku et al., DE 2705603; eidem, US 4085135 (1977, 1978 both to Taisho); eidem, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 27, 2943 (1979). Effects on exptl ulcer models: R. Saziki et al., Oyo Yakuri 18, 579 (1979), C.A. 92, 174433h (1980). Absorption, distribution, excretion: T. Nozu et al., ibid. 815, C.A. 92, 191017t (1980). Reproduction studies: T. Yamada et al., ibid. 19, 543 (1980), C.A. 93, 230785j (1980). Toxicity study: Y. Tarumoto et al., Yakuri to Chiryo 10, 61 (1982), C.A. 96, 193205j (1982). Effect on gastric blood flow: Y. Matsuo et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. 33, 242 (1983). Gastric cytoprotective effect in rats: T. Suwa et al., Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 35, 47 (1984); S. Kishimoto et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. 31, 944 (1987).
Properties: Light yellow needles from ethanol, mp 143-144°. LD50 in mice, rats: >10 g/kg orally (Tarumoto).
Melting point: mp 143-144°
Toxicity data: LD50 in mice, rats: >10 g/kg orally (Tarumoto)
Therap-Cat: Antiulcerative.
Keywords: Antiulcerative; Cytoprotectant (Gastric).

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