Title: Streptovirudin
CAS Registry Number: 56833-74-0
Literature References: Nucleoside antibiotic complex produced by Streptomyces griseoflavus subsp. thuringiensis, strain JA 10124, that has inhibitory activity vs gram-positive bacteria, mycobacteria, and several RNA and DNA viruses. Isoln: K. Eckardt et al., Z. Allg. Mikrobiol. 13, 625 (1973); eidem, J. Antibiot. 28, 274 (1975). Taxonomy, fermentation, production: H. Thrum et al., ibid. 514. Streptovirudin is related chemically to tunicamycin, q.v., and contains at least 10 components, of which 8 have been isolated in pure form. The complex is divided into 2 series of compounds: series I (streptovirudins A1 through D1) contains dihydrouracil and series II (streptovirudins A2 through D2) contains uracil. Differentiation of streptovirudin and tunicamycin by gel chromatography, HPLC, and hydrolysis: K. Eckardt et al., ibid. 33, 908 (1980). Structures of streptovirudins and identity of components B2a and C2 with tunicamycin components: eidem, ibid. 34, 1631 (1981); W. Ihn et al., Tetrahedron 38, 1781 (1982). Biological activities of isolated streptovirudin and tunicamycin components, identity of streptovirudin C2 with tunicamycin A: R. W. Keenan et al., Biochemistry 20, 2968 (1981). Chemical and biological properties of streptovirudins: A. D. Elbein et al., ibid. 4210. Viral inhibition study: M. S. Kang et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 99, 422 (1981).
Properties: White amorphous solid. uv max (methanol): 212 nm. Sol in methanol, pyridine. Slightly sol in water, ethanol. Insol in chloroform, acetone, benzene, ethyl acetate. Stable up to 5 hours at 90°. No loss of activity was observed after standing at 37° for 4 weeks. LD50 in mice (mg/kg) of the antibiotic complex from culture filtrate: 250 orally; 15 s.c.; 15-17.5 i.p.; 17.5 i.v.; of the complex from mycelium: 150 orally; 5-10 s.c.; 3.5-7.5 i.p. (Thrum).
Absorption maximum: uv max (methanol): 212 nm
Toxicity data: LD50 in mice (mg/kg) of the antibiotic complex from culture filtrate: 250 orally; 15 s.c.; 15-17.5 i.p.; 17.5 i.v.; of the complex from mycelium: 150 orally; 5-10 s.c.; 3.5-7.5 i.p. (Thrum)

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