Title: Tiropramide
CAS Registry Number: 55837-29-1
CAS Name: a-(Benzoylamino)-4-[2-(diethylamino)ethoxy]-N,N-dipropylbenzenepropanamide
Additional Names: DL-a-benzamido-p-[2-(diethylamino)ethoxy]-N,N-dipropylhydrocinnamamide; O-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-N-benzoyl-DL-tyrosyl-di-n-propylamide
Manufacturers' Codes: CR-605
Molecular Formula: C28H41N3O3
Molecular Weight: 467.64
Percent Composition: C 71.91%, H 8.84%, N 8.99%, O 10.26%
Literature References: Smooth muscle relaxant; deriv of tyrosine. Prepn: F. Makovec et al., DE 2503992; eidem, US 4004008 (1975, 1977 both to Rotta). Activity on gastrointestinal motility: P. Senin et al., Gastrointestinal Motility in Health and Disease, H. L. Duthie, Ed. (University Park Press, Baltimore, 1978) pp 417-427. Mechanism of action: R. R. Vidal y Plana et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 33, 19 (1981).
Properties: Cryst from petr ether, mp 65-67°. LD50 in rats: 33.9 mg/kg i.v. (Makovec).
Melting point: mp 65-67°
Toxicity data: LD50 in rats: 33.9 mg/kg i.v. (Makovec)
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
CAS Registry Number: 53567-47-8
Trademarks: Alfospas (Rorer); Maiorad (Rottapharm)
Molecular Formula: C28H41N3O3.HCl
Molecular Weight: 504.10
Percent Composition: C 66.71%, H 8.40%, N 8.34%, O 9.52%, Cl 7.03%
Therap-Cat: Antispasmodic.
Keywords: Antispasmodic.

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