Title: 9H-Fluorene
CAS Registry Number: 86-73-7
Additional Names: o-Biphenylenemethane; diphenylenemethane; 2,2¢-methylenebiphenyl
Molecular Formula: C13H10
Molecular Weight: 166.22
Percent Composition: C 93.94%, H 6.06%
Literature References: Occurs in coal tar, q.v. (about 1.6%). Isoln: Kruber, Ber. 70, 1556 (1937). Also found in coke-oven tar: Weiss, Downs, Ind. Eng. Chem. 15, 1022 (1923). From acetylene and hydrogen in red-hot tube: Meyer, Ber. 45, 1609 (1912); Meyer, Taeger, Ber. 53, 1261 (1921). From charcoal by boiling with fuming HNO3: Dimroth, Kerkovins, Ann. 399, 120 (1913). From 2,2¢-dibromodiphenylmethane on boiling with hydrazine hydrate in presence of Pd: Busch, Weber, J. Prakt. Chem. [2] 146, 47 (1936). Reactions: Rieveschl Jr., Ray, Chem. Rev. 23, 287 (1938). Review of toxicology and human exposure: Toxicological Profile for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PB95-264370, 1995) 487 pp.
Properties: Dazzling white leaflets or flakes from alc. d 1.202. Sublimes easily in high vacuum. mp 116-117°. bp 295°. Absorption spectrum: Mayneord, Roe, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A158, 634 (1937). Freely sol in glacial acetic acid; sol in carbon disulfide, ether, benzene, hot alcohol. Soly data: Mortimer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 45, 633 (1923).
Melting point: mp 116-117°
Boiling point: bp 295°
Density: d 1.202

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