Chlorosulfonic Acid
Title: Chlorosulfonic Acid
CAS Registry Number: 7790-94-5
Additional Names: Sulfuric chlorohydrin; chlorosulfuric acid
Molecular Formula: ClHO3S
Molecular Weight: 116.52
Percent Composition: Cl 30.43%, H 0.87%, O 41.19%, S 27.52%
Line Formula: SO2(OH)Cl
Literature References: Prepd by the reaction of HCl gas with SO3: Simon, Kratsch, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 242, 369 (1939); Briggs, US 1442335 (1922 to General Chem.). Purification: Kaplar, Shechter, Inorg. Synth. 4, 52 (1953). Review: H. O. Burrus in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 5 (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd ed., 1979) pp 873-880.
Properties: Colorless or slightly yellow, very corrosive liquid, causes severe burns; fumes in air; pungent odor. d2020 1.76-1.77; d40 1.784; d420 1.753. mp -80°. bp755 151-152°; bp19 74-75°; bp2-4 60-64°. nD14 1.437. On dropping into water dec with explosive violence. Keep tightly closed. When used for the prepn of sulfate esters, the common solvent is pyridine. Other solvents are liquid sulfur dioxide and dichloroethane.
Melting point: mp -80°
Boiling point: bp755 151-152°; bp19 74-75°; bp2-4 60-64°
Index of refraction: nD14 1.437
Density: d2020 1.76-1.77; d40 1.784; d420 1.753
CAUTION: Highly irritating and corrosive to eyes, skin, mucous membranes.
Use: Manuf sulfone compds, saccharin. As chlorosulfonating and condensing agent in organic syntheses.

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