Cryptenamine Tannates
Title: Cryptenamine Tannates
Trademarks: Unitensen Tannate (Wallace Labs.)
Literature References: A prepn of ester alkaloids from Veratrum viride Ait., Liliaceae, obtained by non-aqueous benzene-triethylamine extraction process: Cavallito, US 2789977 (1957 to Irwin, Neisler). Contains hypotensive alkaloids protoveratrines A and B, germitrine, neogermitrine, germerine, germidine; also jervine, rubijervine, isorubijervine, germbudine: Kupchan, Gruenfeld, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 48, 727 (1959).
Properties: Cryptamine tannate is a tan, amorphous powder. Sol in alcohol and slightly sol in water.
Derivative Type: Cryptenamine
Properties: Itself is a white, amorphous powder which induces sneezing. Practically insol in water. Freely sol in alcohol. Readily sol in dil acid soln. [a]D25 -25 to -40° (ethanol).
Optical Rotation: [a]D25 -25 to -40° (ethanol)
Therap-Cat: Antihypertensive.
Keywords: Antihypertensive.
Status: This monograph has been retired and is no longer subject to revision or update.

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