Title: Enrofloxacin
CAS Registry Number: 93106-60-6
CAS Name: 1-Cyclopropyl-7-(4-ethyl-1-piperazinyl)-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid
Additional Names: CFPQ
Manufacturers' Codes: Bay Vp 2674
Trademarks: Baytril (Bayer)
Molecular Formula: C19H22FN3O3
Molecular Weight: 359.39
Percent Composition: C 63.50%, H 6.17%, F 5.29%, N 11.69%, O 13.36%
Literature References: Fluorinated quinolone antibacterial. Prepn: K. Grohe et al., DE 3142854; eidem, US 4670444 (1983, 1987 both to Bayer AG); K. Grohe, H. Heitzer, Ann. 1987, 29. Use as plant fungicide: K. Grohe et al., US 4563459 (1986 to Bayer AG). Pharmacokinetics in calves: J. N. Davidson et al., Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 29, 129 (1986); in chickens: G. M. Conzelman et al., ibid. 30, 393 (1987). Spectrofluorometric determn of residues in poultry tissues: T. B. Waggoner, M. C. Bowman, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 70, 813 (1987). Toxicology and physical properties: P. Altreuther, Vet. Med. Rev. 2, 87 (1987). Series of articles on pharmacology, in vitro antibacterial activity and field trials: ibid. 90-140.
Properties: Pale yellow crystals, mp 219-221°. Slightly sol in water at pH 7. LD50 in male, female mice (mg/kg): >5000, 4336 orally; ~200, ~200 i.v.; in male rats, male rabbits (mg/kg): >5000, 500-800 orally (Altreuther).
Melting point: mp 219-221°
Toxicity data: LD50 in male, female mice (mg/kg): >5000, 4336 orally; ~200, ~200 i.v.; in male rats, male rabbits (mg/kg): >5000, 500-800 orally (Altreuther)
Therap-Cat-Vet: Antibacterial.

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