Title: Flucarbazone
CAS Registry Number: 145026-88-6
CAS Name: 4,5-Dihydro-3-methoxy-4-methyl-5-oxo-N-[[2-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]sulfonyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-carboxamide
Molecular Formula: C12H11F3N4O6S
Molecular Weight: 396.30
Percent Composition: C 36.37%, H 2.80%, F 14.38%, N 14.14%, O 24.22%, S 8.09%
Literature References: Acetolactate synthase inhibitor for control of weeds in wheat. Prepn: K.-H. Müller et al., EP 507171; eidem, US 5534486 (1992, 1996 both to Bayer). Comprehensive description: H. J. Santel et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. - Weeds 1999, 23-28. Field trials in wheat: K. J. Kirkland et al., Weed Technol. 15, 48 (2001).
Derivative Type: Sodium salt
CAS Registry Number: 181274-17-9
Manufacturers' Codes: BAY MKH 6562; MKH 6562; SJO 0498
Trademarks: Everest (Bayer)
Molecular Formula: C12H10F3N4NaO6S
Molecular Weight: 418.28
Percent Composition: C 34.46%, H 2.41%, F 13.63%, N 13.39%, Na 5.50%, O 22.95%, S 7.67%
Properties: Colorless, odorless crystalline powder, mp 200° (dec). Vapor pressure (20°): <1 ´ 10-9 Pa. d 1.59. pKa 1.9. Soly in water (20°): 44 g/l (pH 4-9). Log P (octanol/water): -0.89 (pH 4); -1.85 (pH 7); -1.89 (pH 9). LD50 in rats (mg/kg): >5000 orally; >5000 dermally. LD50 by inhalation in rats: >5.13 mg/l. LC50 in bluegill sunfish, rainbow trout: >99.3, >96.7 mg/l.
Melting point: mp 200° (dec)
pKa: pKa 1.9
Log P: Log P (octanol/water): -0.89 (pH 4); -1.85 (pH 7); -1.89 (pH 9)
Density: d 1.59
Toxicity data: LD50 in rats (mg/kg): >5000 orally; >5000 dermally; LD50 by inhalation in rats: >5.13 mg/l; LC50 in bluegill sunfish, rainbow trout: >99.3, >96.7 mg/l
Use: Herbicide.

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