Title: Pseudopelletierine
CAS Registry Number: 552-70-5
CAS Name: 9-Methyl-9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-3-one
Additional Names: 9-methyl-3-granatanone; pseudopunicine
Molecular Formula: C9H15NO
Molecular Weight: 153.22
Percent Composition: C 70.55%, H 9.87%, N 9.14%, O 10.44%
Literature References: In root bark of Punica granatum L., Punicaceae. Extraction procedure: Hess, Eichel, Ber. 50, 380, 1391, 1395 (1917); ibid. 52, 1012 (1919). Synthesis under physiological conditions from calcium acetonedicarboxylate, glutardialdehyde, and methylamine: Menzies, Robinson, J. Chem. Soc. 1924, 2163; cf. Schöpf, Angew. Chem. 50, 779, 797 (1937). Alternate syntheses: Cope et al., Org. Synth. 37, 73 (1957); Robinson, Hunt, J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 22, 29S (1970); Bottini, Gal, J. Org. Chem. 36, 1718 (1971). Conformation: Chen, LeFevre, J. Chem. Soc. B 1966, 539.
Properties: Orthorhombic prisms from petr ether, mp 54°; bp 246°. Volatile. Strong base. One gram dissolves in about 2.5 ml water, 10 ml ether. Freely sol in alcohol and chloroform; sparingly sol in petr ether.
Melting point: mp 54°
Boiling point: bp 246°
Derivative Type: Dihydrate
Properties: Plates from water.
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
Molecular Formula: C9H15NO.HCl
Molecular Weight: 189.68
Percent Composition: C 56.99%, H 8.50%, N 7.38%, O 8.43%, Cl 18.69%
Properties: Rhombohedra. One gram dissolves in about 1 ml water.
Derivative Type: Sulfate tetrahydrate
Molecular Formula: 2C9H15NO.H2SO4.4H2O
Molecular Weight: 476.58
Percent Composition: C 45.36%, H 8.46%, N 5.88%, O 33.57%, S 6.73%
Properties: Crystals, sol in water.

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