Sodium Bisulfite
Title: Sodium Bisulfite
CAS Registry Number: 7631-90-5
Additional Names: Sodium acid sulfite
Molecular Formula: HNaO3S
Molecular Weight: 104.06
Percent Composition: H 0.97%, Na 22.09%, O 46.13%, S 30.81%
Line Formula: NaHSO3
Literature References: The bisulfite of commerce consists chiefly of sodium metabisulfite, Na2S2O5, and for all practical purposes possesses the same properties as the true bisulfite. Toxicity: Hoppe, Goble, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 101, 101 (1951).
Properties: White, crystalline powder; SO2 odor; disagreeable taste; on exposure to air it loses some SO2 and is gradually oxidized to sulfate. d 1.48. Sol in 3.5 parts cold water, 2 parts boiling water, in about 70 parts alcohol. Its aq soln is acid. Keep well closed and in a cool place. LD50 i.v. in rats: 115 mg/kg (Hoppe, Goble).
Density: d 1.48
Toxicity data: LD50 i.v. in rats: 115 mg/kg (Hoppe, Goble)
CAUTION: Potential symptoms of overexposure are irritation of eyes, skin, mucous membranes. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140, 1997) p 282.
Use: As disinfectant and bleach, particularly for wool; in dyeing for preparing hot and cold indigo vats; in paper-making in place of sodium hyposulfite to remove Cl from bleached fibers; as stripper (reducer) in laundering; to remove permanganate stains from skin and clothing; to render certain dyes sol; manuf sodium hydrosulfite; coagulating rubber latex; as preservative for deteriorative liqs or solns used for technical purposes; as antiseptic in fermentation industries. As preservative and bleach in food. Pharmaceutic aid (antioxidant).

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