Succinylcholine Iodide
Title: Succinylcholine Iodide
CAS Registry Number: 541-19-5
Additional Names: O,O-Succinyldicholine iodide; diacetylcholine iodide; diacetylcholine diiodide; suxamethonium iodide; bis(b-dimethylaminoethyl)succinate bis(methyl iodide)
Trademarks: Celocurine (Pfizer)
Molecular Formula: C14H30I2N2O4
Molecular Weight: 544.21
Percent Composition: C 30.90%, H 5.56%, I 46.64%, N 5.15%, O 11.76%
Literature References: Prepd by reacting b-bromoethyl succinate with trimethylamine: Glick, J. Biol. Chem. 137, 357 (1941); Fusco et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. 79, 129, 837 (1949); Walker, J. Chem. Soc. 1950, 193. Succinic acid chloride may be coupled with choline chloride directly or with dimethylaminoethanol, followed by quaternization with methyl iodide: Tammelin, Acta Chem. Scand. 7, 185 (1953). A third method is to start with the diethyl ester of succinic acid, then bring about the exchange reaction with dimethylaminoethanol, and quaternize with methyl iodide: Phillips, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 71, 3264 (1949).
Properties: Slightly hygroscopic crystals, mp 243-245°. Freely sol in water or normal saline, giving solns which are very slightly acidic. Most stable at pH 4-5. Aq solns undergo progressive hydrolysis with corresp loss of activity and increase in acidity. Prepare solns just before using. Incompatible with solns of alkaline salts.
Melting point: mp 243-245°
Therap-Cat: Neuromuscular blocking agent.
Therap-Cat-Vet: Muscle relaxant (skeletal).
Keywords: Neuromuscular Blocking Agent; Depolarizing Agents.

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