Title: Thiamorpholine
CAS Registry Number: 123-90-0
CAS Name: Thiomorpholine
Additional Names: tetrahydro-1,4-thiazine; 1,4-thiazan; parathiazan
Molecular Formula: C4H9NS
Molecular Weight: 103.19
Percent Composition: C 46.56%, H 8.79%, N 13.57%, S 31.07%
Literature References: Prepd by heating b,-dichlorodiethyl sulfide with alcoholic ammonia under pressure: Davies, J. Chem. Soc. 117, 298, 306 (1920).
Properties: Mobile liquid. Strong odor resembling that of piperidine. Absorbs CO2 from air. bp758 169°; bp743 166-167°. Volatile with steam. Miscible with water and many organic liquids.
Boiling point: bp758 169°; bp743 166-167°
Derivative Type: Hydrochloride
Molecular Formula: C4H9NS.HCl
Molecular Weight: 139.65
Percent Composition: C 34.40%, H 7.22%, N 10.03%, S 22.96%, Cl 25.39%
Properties: Hygroscopic needles from alcohol + ether, dec 163°. Freely sol in water.
Derivative Type: Picrolonate
Molecular Formula: C4H9NS.C10H8N4O5
Molecular Weight: 367.38
Percent Composition: C 45.77%, H 4.66%, N 19.06%, S 8.73%, O 21.78%
Properties: Deep orange prisms from alcohol, dec 242° (darkens at 210°).

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