Title: a-Aminopyridine
CAS Registry Number: 504-29-0
CAS Name: 2-Pyridinamine
Additional Names: 2-aminopyridine
Molecular Formula: C5H6N2
Molecular Weight: 94.11
Percent Composition: C 63.81%, H 6.43%, N 29.77%
Literature References: Prepd from pyridine and sodamide: Tschitschibabin, Chem. Zentralbl. 1915, I, 1065; Wibaut, Rec. Trav. Chim. 42, 240 (1923); A. I. Vogel, Practical Organic Chemistry (Longmans, London, 3rd ed., 1959) p 1007; Gattermann-Wieland, Praxis des Organischen Chemikers (de Gruyter, Berlin, 40th ed., 1961) p 316.
Properties: Leaflets, or large crystals. mp 58.1°. bp 210.6°. Soluble in water, alcohol, benzene, ether, hot petrol ether.
Melting point: mp 58.1°
Boiling point: bp 210.6°
Derivative Type: b-Aminopyridine
CAS Registry Number: 462-08-8
Additional Names: 3-Pyridinamine
Literature References: Prepn: Allen, Wolf, Org. Synth. coll. vol. IV, 45 (1963).
Properties: Crystals, mp 64°. bp 250-252°. Sol in water, alcohol, benzene, ether. Insol in petr ether.
Melting point: mp 64°
Boiling point: bp 250-252°
CAUTION: Potential symptoms of overexposure to a-aminopyridine are irritation of eyes, nose, throat; headache, dizziness; excitement; nausea; high blood pressure; respiratory distress; weakness; convulsions; stupor. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140, 1997) p 14.
Use: Manuf pharmaceuticals and dyes.

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