Title: 1,2,3-Tribromopropane
CAS Registry Number: 96-11-7
Additional Names: sym-Tribromopropane; glycerol tribromohydrin; tribromohydrin; allyl tribromide
Molecular Formula: C3H5Br3
Molecular Weight: 280.78
Percent Composition: C 12.83%, H 1.79%, Br 85.37%
Line Formula: BrCH2CHBrCH2Br
Literature References: Prepd by the addn of bromine to allyl bromide in carbon tetrachloride: Perkin, Simonsen, J. Chem. Soc. 87, 859 (1905); Johnson, McEwen, Org. Synth. 5, 99 (1925). By gentle heating of propylene bromide with bromine in the presence of iron wire: Kronstein, Ber. 54, 7 (1921); Tapley, Giesy, J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 15, 173 (1926); by reaction of bromotrichloromethane with allyl bromide initiated by g-rays: Heiba, Anderson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79, 4940 (1957).
Properties: Liquid; d23 2.436; mp 16.5°; bp760 220°; bp200 170°; bp100 148°; bp60 134°; bp40 123°; bp20 106°; bp10 90°; bp5 76°; bp1.0 47.5°; nD18 1.58436. Insol in water; sol in alcohol, ether, chloroform.
Melting point: mp 16.5°
Boiling point: bp760 220°; bp200 170°; bp100 148°; bp60 134°; bp40 123°; bp20 106°; bp10 90°; bp5 76°; bp1.0 47.5°
Index of refraction: nD18 1.58436
Density: d23 2.436
Use: As a nematocide: Youngson, Goring, US 3003914 (1959 to Dow).

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