Title: 6-Chloropurine
CAS Registry Number: 87-42-3
Molecular Formula: C5H3ClN4
Molecular Weight: 154.56
Percent Composition: C 38.85%, H 1.96%, Cl 22.94%, N 36.25%
Literature References: Prepd by the action of phosphorus oxychloride on hypoxanthine in N,N-dimethylaniline: Bendich et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 76, 6073 (1954). Antineoplastic activity in vivo: A. C. Sartorelli, B. A. Booth, Experientia 21, 457 (1965).
Properties: Blunt needles from water, dec 175-177° (hot stage preheated to 170°). Also reported as not melted at 290°. uv max (pH 5.2): 265 nm (e 9120); (pH 13): 274 nm (e 8790). Soly in water: 0.5% at 20°, also reported as 1 g/182 ml at 24°. Sol in ether, dimethylformamide.
Absorption maximum: uv max (pH 5.2): 265 nm (e 9120); (pH 13): 274 nm (e 8790)

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