Title: Clove
Additional Names: Caryophyllus
Literature References: Evergreen tree, Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, also known as Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. and Caryophyllus aromaticus L., Myrtaceae. Habit. Southeast Asia; cultivated in tropical regions worldwide. Parts used are the dried buds (cloves) and the essential oil produced from them. Constit. 15-21% volatile oil, sterols, e.g. sitosterol, ~6% protein, ~61% carbohydrate, ~20% lipids. Review: A. Y. Leung, Encylopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1980) pp 130-132.
Derivative Type: Clove oil
Additional Names: Oil of clove
Literature References: Volatile oil from dried flower buds. Constit. 60-90% eugenol, 2-27% eugenyl acetate, 5-12% b-caryophyllene, minor constituents such as methyl amyl ketone, methyl salicylate, benzaldehyde. Extraction procedures: A. A. Clifford et al., J. Anal. Chem. 364, 635 (1999).
Properties: Colorless to pale yellow liq, becoming darker and thicker with age. d2525 1.038-1.060. nD20 1.530. Insol in water. Sol in 2 vols 70% alcohol. Keep well closed, cool and protected from light.
Index of refraction: nD20 1.530
Density: d2525 1.038-1.060
Use: Flavoring agent in foods; fragrance component in dentifrices, soaps, lotions, perfumes; commercial source of eugenol. Pharmaceutic aid (flavor).
Therap-Cat: Carminative, counterirritant. Clove oil as analgesic (dental).

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