Title: N-Methylglucamine
CAS Registry Number: 6284-40-8
CAS Name: 1-Deoxy-1-(methylamino)-D-glucitol
Additional Names: N-methyl-D-glucamine; meglumine
Molecular Formula: C7H17NO5
Molecular Weight: 195.21
Percent Composition: C 43.07%, H 8.78%, N 7.18%, O 40.98%
Literature References: Prepd from D-glucose and methylamine: Karrer, Herkenrath, Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 83 (1937). Efficacy and toxicity in treatment of leishmaniasis: R. G. Muller et al., Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 52, 155 (1982); P. Bouree et al., Pathol. Biol. 33, 607 (1985). Antileishmanial activity in dogs: W. L. Chapman et al., Am. J. Vet. Res. 45, 1028 (1984).
Properties: Crystals from methanol, mp 128-129°. Does not polymerize or dehydrate unless heated above 150° for prolonged periods. [a]D18 -18.5° (Karrer); [a]D20 -23° (Rhône-Poulenc data sheet). Soly (g/100 ml): water at 25°: ~100; alcohol at 25°: 1.2; alcohol at 70°: 21. pH of 1% aq soln: 10.5. Forms salts with acids and complexes with metals. Salts with alkyl aryl sulfonic acids act as detergents.
Melting point: mp 128-129°
Optical Rotation: [a]D18 -18.5° (Karrer); [a]D20 -23° (Rhône-Poulenc data sheet)
Derivative Type: Antimonate
CAS Registry Number: 133-51-7
Manufacturers' Codes: RP-2168
Trademarks: Glucantim (Farmitalia); Glucantime (Specia); Protostib
Molecular Formula: C7H17NO5.HSbO3
Molecular Weight: 365.98
Percent Composition: C 22.97%, H 4.96%, N 3.83%, O 34.97%, Sb 33.27%
Properties: Powder. Soly in water about 35% ww. Practically insol in alcohol, ether, chloroform. pH of aq solns 6-7.
Use: In the synthesis of surface active agents, pharmaceuticals, dyes.
Therap-Cat: Antimonate as antiprotozoal (Leishmania).
Keywords: Antiprotozoal (Leishmania).

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