Title: PVNO
CAS Registry Number: 26715-00-4
CAS Name: 4-Ethenylpyridine 1-oxide homopolymer
Additional Names: poly(4-vinylpyridine-N-oxide); PVPNO
Line Formula: (C7H7NO)x
Literature References: Prepn and thermal properties: P. Ranganathan et al., J. Polym. Sci. A 28, 2711 (1990). Viscosity and light scattering: C.-M. Lee et al., Polymer 37, 4283 (1996); fluorescence and metal-ion complexation: Y. Okamoto et al., Macromolecules 31, 9201 (1998). Interaction with sodium dodecyl sulfate, q.v.: P. Bahadur et al., Langmuir 11, 1951 (1995). Use as a dye transfer inhibitor: R. K. Panandiker et al., WO 9513354; eidem, US 5466802 (both 1995 to Proctor & Gamble); as adsorbent stabilizer for metal catalysis: A. B. R. Mayer, J. E. Mark, J. Macromol. Sci. Pure Appl. Chem. A34, 2151 (1997); T. Balakrishnan, V. Rajendran, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 78, 2075 (2000). GC/MS determn in laundry detergents: T. Uchiyama et al., J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 45, 111 (1998).
Properties: Crystallized as white solid monomer from benzene-hexane. mp 122°. Polymerizes at 100-125° under vacuum in a sealed tube; decomposes 290°. uv max (water): 257 nm (e 19844). Sol in water and acidic media. Insol in most organic solvents including DMSO, dimethylacetamide, THF, and acetone.
Melting point: mp 122°
Absorption maximum: uv max (water): 257 nm (e 19844)
Use: Dye transfer inhibitor used in laundry detergents. Support for metal catalysts.

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